Thursday, November 15, 2007

People management - children management ?? November 15th

Having children is really uplifting, wonderful, fantastic, lovely and also very challenging. Especially when it comes to a teenager.

After a fashinating phonecall from the master of school´, giving your child the most unexpected and very challenging feedback, you realize that you very quickly have to make a decision for the best management and strategy due to the situation.And act.

Kind of tricky. Especially since you might have a lot of feelings to deal with at the same time.

Is there any difference in dealing with challenging people at work? I would say no. The only difference is that a grown up often listen to the feedback, take it as a gift and probably comes up with an actionplan or strategy for improvement. Thats the way we want our resources to see it. A chance to make sense and change your way of doing things.

When it comes to the children they are not that kind to themseleves or to the one that has to deal with the strategy or coaching talk to solve things out. They have some challenging thoughts that prevent them from being openminded and honest to themselves about what is ongoing.

One very good manager once said following " if you can manage children, you are probably good at managing grown ups" .

In that case you sometimes doubt that you should ever be in the management area and position again. The feelings burning and the energy to make things right, the effort to try to change a child is worthless if it does not come from the person/ child themselves. The children sooner or later have to realize that it is there choice to make a decision how to improve and change. And their willingnes and motivation to do that. You cant change anyone else.

To say that to a teenager can sound pretty fluffy, but it is worth a chance to get them understand that the life has just started, and one of the most important things you should be good at in life is to manage yourself. That is a good start. And the most exiting thing you can ever learn and do. A

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14th 2007 chief- leader

There is a huge difference being a chief and being a leader. To my perspective, a chief is someone you have to follow, and a leader is someone you want to follow.

Hopefully many managers can be both.

Guess what I am? Both of course. I am a chief but also a leader, mostly leader I want to say.

The best managers can wear two hats at the same time in a lovely combination and outfit. Some really cant do it. Why not? My wild guesses are that they are so afraid to loose control. And so many managers are detailed managers which means that they need to be involved in every small little detail discussion to be in control.

To me that is not the best way to act and definately, the people in your team will loose motivation. Give trust to your team, your management team or whatever, can also be your children, and you will see what energy comes out.

Today, I had a great experience of really bad management in my company, and I truly hope that it was a one -time happening.

To me it is important to bring in values in your leadership, valubased leadership with a human perspective , Its all about people. Walk your Talk as a manager.

You will release a lot of good energy and motivation by that, I can promise.

To build up a good co-operation and relation can take a long time. But it takes only 30 seconds to destroy it. What a big loss and waist of human capital.


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

D-day November 13 th

Today is the 13th of November and it is one year ago since my father died. So sad, and so mad, that one year just past like that. During this last year so many things have happened and that is something I can really tell is part of a huge change.

Change management, of myself and my family due to this new situation. I have come out even stronger then i expected, and you just realize how lovely life can be.

During this year, I have met so many nice and interesting persons and so many fantastic things have just happened. How fashinating.

I choose happiness in my life. That is a wonderful way of living. I truly recommend it.

I miss you dad.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Customer experiences....

Sometimes it is so nice to visit the world outside the Software Industry and se other business. And you all of a sudden realize that the service garage also deals with software issues even if it is related to cars.

The energy and the love for the business including a high level of service really made me an energy boost today.

I did not even have to bargain about the prize, the lovely garage men reduced it anyway. That is really good customer experiences. And I truly have full respect for the car and garage business as this is so far away from my area as it can be.

One thing is for shure, It does not matter what business we deal with, Its all about people.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Org. Change Ambassadeur diary

First step to share my excellent experiences from Organizational Change Management in the Software Development industry related to processes and practises implementation in a large scale.

Last week was really interesting as I visited London and Ivar Jacobson Consulting IJC and Rational seminar.

This time I was not a speaker but it was good anyway... And I also increased my already intersting network on Linked In with a few but good connections.

I truly loved Linda from PwH presentation where she in her best english way talked about
" a half empty glass" or a " half full glass"... description . You can have a guess what I like mostly and what is really me.

To chat with another banker, IT bank guy from RBS was really interesting. At least I felt that I could inspire and give some input.

Ivar was excellent this day. I think I have never seen him so focused and I guess it has to do with the strict audience.

I will write more about these things coming. It is just very good to have started this diary. I hope someone will read it and use it.

Love , Live , Learn and Leave a Legacy.

More to come, this for now.

Best regards, Anna