Sunday, November 11, 2007

Org. Change Ambassadeur diary

First step to share my excellent experiences from Organizational Change Management in the Software Development industry related to processes and practises implementation in a large scale.

Last week was really interesting as I visited London and Ivar Jacobson Consulting IJC and Rational seminar.

This time I was not a speaker but it was good anyway... And I also increased my already intersting network on Linked In with a few but good connections.

I truly loved Linda from PwH presentation where she in her best english way talked about
" a half empty glass" or a " half full glass"... description . You can have a guess what I like mostly and what is really me.

To chat with another banker, IT bank guy from RBS was really interesting. At least I felt that I could inspire and give some input.

Ivar was excellent this day. I think I have never seen him so focused and I guess it has to do with the strict audience.

I will write more about these things coming. It is just very good to have started this diary. I hope someone will read it and use it.

Love , Live , Learn and Leave a Legacy.

More to come, this for now.

Best regards, Anna


Ferdy said...

Hi Anna,

I hope your life is well, it has been a long time since we met at the RSDC'06.

Nice to see you are blogging now. Keep it up!


Anna K Gustafsson said...

Thank you Ferran, see you in Orlando.
Thanks for encouraging me.

Br Anna