Saturday, February 28, 2009

God´s grafitti...

the other day I noticed I have got a few more greyer hair strings... well.. I dont cry and I dont die, I just reflect on it, thanks.. i probably deserve them. Its not to many actually so I prefer to see them as signs to me.

One of my very grey haired friends see it as a proper gift, from his blog "Grey hair is God´s grafitti ".....and myself, i buy that one and say that God is reminding me about something.

Today I was reminded again about the difficulty in honesty, and the dance in a relation. It would not surprise me if I get some more smaller greys of it..

On the other hand, they might do me good, and I will look even more sofisticated. Because that is what I feel.

I wonder about the ones that do not get grey hair at all... what signs are that? Probably none .., zero, empty, no life and no reactions. it just crossed my crazy minds, that those people fight with things and dont let anything comes out as it should. Neither from skin, mouth, minds or actions. Hold back, being afraid, lie, hide and do things like hurting others, and that are totally against their real wantings and needs.

Sometimes we often limit ourseleves in embracing the joy we find, either because denial of the needs or self- constrain ourselves. So sad.

some words on the way..

" you need to decide if you want to act in such a fashion that it is the integrety of your needs, both´s needs... that is the dance that all in intimate realtionsships must attend to"

" promises are good, but you can only judge people by their actions, true?"

Thank you for giving me lovely words on the way. I truly need it.


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