Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Agile - Lean living...

Key values in Agile development are

  • Trust
  • Truth
  • Transparency
  • Fearless

Great values that open up for fun, motivating and worthwile great deliveries if living.

Is it possible to map them to private life as well?

According to me yes, and let me give some thoughts regarding it.

Trust: first, start trusting yourself, more easier to trust anyone else. Put trust in your nearest and you will be surprised what possible can be achieved. People grow and get happier to have the feeling of being trusted.

Truth: tell the truth, maybe not radical honesty,, that is maybe to much, but very close to that. Open up for Truth in the living. First, to yourself, secondly to the people around you. Truth always comes around when it goes around ... and remember, its not danger, its just the open truth.

Transperancy: Make things open, show what happens and share your achievements, your work, your thoughts an everything. Not to forget your mood, your result, deliveries or whatever that could be. Put up your personal list visible, fill it in and encourage the most lovely days fulfilling tings on the list. Great thing to remember your love and actions at that time of every day.

Fearless: Its ok to fail. It truly is. we are people and yes... we can do things not perfect all the time. If you open up to a fearless mindset you will get even closer to the people around you. Its ok to tell things not so popular and fantastic, but they are stil things to take place.

Add some Lean thoughts:

  • focus on the bottlenecks, and increase delivery capacity - good and possible

  • load to capacity , if you try to understand, by working and testing, how much you really truly can deliver in your team and life, you will in the end be aware of your capacity to deliver. It takes som time to understand that but later on you limit the mostly high expectations on delivery capacity that does not exists, just on papers...the amount of good employess with highly skills all of them, does not necessarily mean that they can co operate perfect. Make sure to be honest about this. ITs not what we want it to be , it is what we really deliver that can be measured.

Well at least, no matter Agile Lean or anything else, just remember to live your life honest to yourself and choose happines. Nobody else does.

Hugs and love from A

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