Thursday, April 30, 2009

New toy..

So...I thought I would not be so thrilled over my new toy. But I am.

I want to hold it all the time, touch it and just keep it close enough to get the best out of it.

Its blank.. its fancy, its just touchable so easy so Yes I am exited.

And I have filled it with the items I want to play

here is some of the fills:

I cant fight the feeling anymore...

Dont you... forget about me

I love you just the way you are...

Never ending love


Hungry Eyes..

Please dont stop the music

Say it right ..

The winner takes it all


A moment like this...

I natt i natt

Kom Hem

Sleep well..

One thing is for shure.. it will be used. Heavily, and it will be filled with more. ITs 32GB and I guess I can play the rest of my life..

Love and energy 0156 Thursday.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wednesday 29/4

countdown for US. only one month to go .

End of May it´s take off for Miami and Florida and I start to get nervous and thrilled.

Maybe I will be a speaker this year as well.


Tuesday 28/5

Today was a great day.

Started with a nice walk in the lovely warm weather.

Continued with a good lunch meeting.

Further on to the hairdresser and did som colour and fixing and that was truly needed. Stepped out as a new girl... or woman or whatever I am and yes.. I am pleased.

I stepped into my fancy car which nowadays has summer wheels on.. damn. It makes sence and they are good looking as well. My car is made for driving fast and furious.

Took my youngest to a surprise birthday party dinner in a great small Pizzeria.
It was a new experience in that place and I will truly come back. My exman´s new woman told me that the pizza guy had a crush on me in there.. and yes, how should I know...

Back home for testing Robin´s new gifts.

He was happy abou them all and he does not know he will get some more on his real day.

Good night from a

cool, calm and concentrated


waiting for 28 of May and what else is around the corner.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday 16th of April 2009

Ordinary Thursday or what ...

My little brother celebrate his 26 year´s birthday today, congratulations to him.

I am reminded that I need to switch tiers on my car and I should remember a lot of other things as well.

Thanks for reminding me.

Tomorrow is Friday and thank s for that as well.

/ A

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A crazy day

This Wednesday I had planned to be a quiet calm and controlled day. Teamclinic meeting in Södertälje, 40 km from Stockholm, and leave and pick up of Robin from school. Thats it.

Started great. Replied to a message which made me shivering in one way. Crazy. A lovely walk to school, kiss and goodbye to Robin. Plug in my Mp3 and a long walk thrue the nice villas and down to the forest and the walk along the sea. Such a lovely day. With the great music in my ears I did a quick and energetic walk.

Back home for a shower and to some work at the laptop. Planned to drive some earlier to have a walk and some spring shopping before the meeting.

But hello. I did not find the key to my car. Gone . Gone and Gone. Absolutely gone. I knew Ihad it it in my pocket when I walked to school. But it ws obviously not there anymore. Ok...
I ran back to school, into Robins classroom, muddered all his things and clothes but no.

Back to home. A call to Pär and Annika... I cant come to the meeting, I have lost my car key.

Quick decision. They come to me instead. Great Idea and thanks.

I did a quick great lunch which was waiting when they arrived.

Good talk and work to prepare for the Rational Day next Tuesday in Kista. The banner was so damn good. I will make an own blogpost of that one.

While working, I called my sister to go to my home in ARboga and find the extra key, I also called my truck driver if he could bring the key to stockholm tomorrow, but unf. no. Another direction... but.. as the brilliant guy he is, he fixed so another driver could deliver the key to me. I got a place and a time to pick it up in the morning, fixed.
So greatful and so happy about true ability and the willingnes to solve things.

Time out of work. Timte to run to school and pick up Robin, and then..

all of a sudden hanging in a small bush. My key. MY key!! I just screamed out loud and yes, there it was. Someone must have picked it up, brought it in and then went out to leave it in the small bush.

Damn how good. To school. To the shop and back home.

Headache. Call to the truck driver. ... I found it. No pick up tomorrow.

Call to the partner for negotiations... headache.
Ready steady done. Business Deal.

Bedtime for Robin.

More headache.

Last writing for tonight...

Tomorrow is another day.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Lazy Eastern

Last day of the Eastern days and I feel both relaxed, satisfied and tired.

I have had some great days with my boys including a trip to Estonia and Tallin for 36 hours. It was great fun, mostly to see my sons going out to the disco and coming back at around 2 oclock having had a great time. My oldest had danced for hours with different people and he had enjoyed every second. He was lucky to show and prove the night activities as he always bring his camera wherever he goes. He also had some pain in his legs the day after since he normally does not dance that much or at all.
Myself and Robin was sleeping and snoring as it best when the boys were having a great time.

Tallin was beautiful but quiet boring, .. or that was unfair. Let´s say, I was boring. I was somewhere else while walking around .. but the old city was fantastic. I have to admit that of course as I remember that though.

On the trip back home I promised my oldest that he and I would go to the disco and dance that night. But after hanging around in the karaooke pub and watching the late dancing show we just looked at each other and then we went to bed for some heavy sleeping again. Too tired.

I am in a very bad condition in many ways so sleeping is a good thing at the moment.

And laughing, and sunshine , and good news, and friendship and sharing.. and more.

This morning , 0515 when I heard my son saying " mummy" holding his hand over his mouth watching me , I just knew it was coming.

And yes it was. He had a bad day and has been sleeping and puking all day long. I have not been outside the house and it made me got a hard headache as well.

In the afternoon he managed to drink and eat for the first time since yesterday and now he is on his way recovering. I pray to god that I will not get a flew.

And I pray for some more as well. What goes around comes around, so also for me.

Good night.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


From Agnes,...


Eastern - Eggs and eggs... and some more

Just arrived in Stockholm. The sun is about to come here in the early evening and it looks beautiful in the sky.

Have picked up Robin and he is around me, very close and happy. His candy egg is almost empty and he is not aware that another one is waiting.

I am around, here, in a strange mood, just trying to keep my head up but it does not work. My body and my seul just tells me to .... wake up, start walking and talking. I am "jetlegged" in more then one way.

This week have been a rollercoaster----lets call it the " duelling dragons week feeling"... a lovely rollercoaster drive as in Florida Orlando Universal Adventure Park.

I have been hanging outside the last waggon .. trying to hold on, just feeling the death coming closer when loosing step and hands. wow... Back in the first waggon again.

It started with one nightmare and continued with another, and another and another..... Hmm..... How many can you deal with in one day and one week? Obviously many ...

  • I had to resign one of my employees this week. Sad but true. Short, honest and so damn hard. But business is business and that is included as well to manage.. Just some shitty hard when the person , is the one you have trusted and employeed as a number one and in some words, just feel worthless. puuh. I guess I have that feeling very much at the moment.

  • I had to meet the most unprofessional, ugly and mostly stupid dummie in the community of the little town and I was chocked. Chocked much that I laughed my ass of with my lawyer. Kind of maniac behaviours I guess... :-)
It will be a pleasure to be on the headlines, some people just told me I love to be in the spot, ( I did not know ) and I cant deny that any more. I never ever normally feel this kind of revenge feelings but now.. yes yes.

  • Mother nightmare... hello.. this wednesday evening I was reminded why I sad goodbye to my mother for a break and time out lasted 14 years. Yes... and I am willing to take a break for the rest of my life. Some things I will not accept, not even with an excuse again and again and again.. Hell no... give me strenght to leave her bad energy out of me. I will enjoy the rest of my life for sure, with or without her.

  • One of my friends had a nightmare wake up this week and luckily I was aside to limit the damage and scary minds. Some men are bigger assholes then others , its just about how fast you will realize it. It was like in a scary movie... I got a chill and I wil never ever experience this again.. puh..

  • NIghtmare.. missing a sharing partner reminder .. again. In tuff situations you just have to ask for help, advice and support, it s just about to realize when to and who to go to and just also realize, who are your friends when needed?
I went back to a lawyer/ accounter I used some years ago for some support and questions regarding my business and my lucky bastard, he was ready for some support again. He remembered me and that was good.

I will sell out part of my business, that is clear. Now it is about the price. And honestly .. that decsion was everything but a nightmare. It feels great. I am ready to team up and dare another partner.

  • Mail nightmare 1... when words are supposed to be positive and cheer you up but gives nothing but tears.." dont feel sad.." .
  • Mail nightmare 2... when someone state that "words are at least practical.".and use the word "dust" when its about feelings... my personal unvisible guides just tell me to read the words again ok... they words might be practical and useful.. but for haven sake... remember that behind the words there is a life and honest meaning but mostly feeling and me reading. .... and why not speaking out loud and honest? just do it.

  • Unexpected thoughts..... I want to build a house. I was walking in an area with a lot of houses, quiet newly built and the thougt just hit me with a lot of feelings... again. I need to make a change, and yes... things are ongoing I hope and true. I want to build something new.

  • Positive 1... my sisters husband came back from Miami today.... he was thrilled about the visit ... and it is wonderful to realize that within 7 weeks I will take ground... .. i cant believe it

  • Positive 2.. I will spend the eastern with my 3 boys and I will enjoy every second with them and for a change ...I will not spend the Eastern in my summerhouse, it will not even be in Arboga. And it feels great.

Happy Eastern.


Saturday, April 4, 2009


Yesterday and today the Sun is on the agenda here in Sweden. Almost half of the year we live in the dark and not to often we see the lovely Sun.

When it comes, it is just lovely. So nice and light. All Swedes just open up, start talking, walking and get out of their houses to get some energy and hopefully some tan as well.

Please, Just keep on shining, I truly need sun, sunshine and a tan in a big dosage.

/ A

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stand by....

The 747 is a beauty and beast in the sky...

Here are two more beauties from Gibraltar that just have took ground in stand by position, some energy gathering, planning ready for take off again.
/ A