Wednesday, June 18, 2008

42 +......June 17th

So I survived another birthday and now turn into the lovely age of 42.

I just have to laugh about it. Some figures on the paper and it does not feels like me.... really. No no... and yes yes.. I cant deny it.

The numbers seems to be quiet high in one way but surtenly to low at some occations...

Some days I have the feeling I have to fit into my age for some reasons. Why so?

I dont know, but I dont feel mossy and old, I feel great and young and I have much more energy then I had when I was 20... well that might be an exaggeration but anyway.

kind of overloaded.... I better cool down.

I enjoy.



Ferdy said...

Yes, I know, it's a little bit late ... but ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Anna K Gustafsson said...

Hi Ferdy.
Thank you very much.. cust let me know who you are.

Br Anna