Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy birthday T Nilsson....June 16th.

So, finally... time to celebrate one of my closest friends 30th birthday.

Hip hip hurry!!

To be honest, You dont have anything to fear and I promise you, its getting better and better. No doubt. And you are def. coming closer ...

I still remember my 30th birthday party as the best party ever. I thought some kind of ending were close but I could not be more wrong. It was just the loveliest door to the real life.

Every day from 30 i just felt stronger, mature ( :-) ) and secure in a great way. So remember to celebrate your past 30 and mostly, celebrate all the good years coming.

Good luck and good future to you, you deserve the best. I expect a huge party later on and I will be the firt one in the row for celebration and hugs.

Your very best friend

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