Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happines--- lovely chemistry

Back in Stockholm and in my apartment here together with the children. This night, all three are here together and we just finalized a great evening and some lovely hours together.

I have had a great day today. After leaving Robin to school I had some cool hours in the city. A combination of business, healthcare and pleasure meetings and I enjoyed every second being in Stockholm city again. In one way.. i kind of belong here .. as well.

All day, I walked around with a big smile on my face. I feel happy and strong and its kind of overwelming. There are many reasons for being very happy at the moment, but one strong reason is that my kids are kind of more relaxed to the situation they have been forced into at the moment regarding their coming two places to live situation. Its not easy but I think they and also I have come a bit forward in this understanding, how things will be.

Today, it crossed my mind that this is how the weekend parents situation is and will be. Kind of strange, sad .. but also acceptable for both them and myself so.. yes. It will be alrigt. And as I said... now they come without any arguments or crying....

I have not seen my older boys for a while So it was so good to see them tody and I could not stop hugging them. When I now see them I want to make everything so great to them of course . On the other hand I know, that if I try to hard it will in some way fail.. because that is not the natural way. I am glad I am aware of it... because this is really a situation where you can spoil them to compensate anything else.

Great hours, great closeness and also some activities together and it has been so good. Mostly because we have not had any arguments or discussions about anything that did not mean anything. How clever and mature that we all did choose the happines and relaxing atmosphere here today. Win win.

Regarding choosing and happiness. Sometimes I just wonder about my choices, I have told you before. The last week I have just made some great choices and the payback has been a lot of happiness.

When I seperated last time, I promised myself that I would be the manager of all choices i make, and just do things i really want to.

I normally also consider the consequenses of the choices as well to be prepared and also to prevent myself from being sorry I guess.

At the moment, I have the feeling I just execute and I dont think of any consequenses at all .. how good is that? well who cares.....I dont... i just reflect some minutes now and then and I guess I am just infected by the chemistry of love and happiness.

H & K


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