Saturday, September 27, 2008

Faith - luck - destiny...

I wonder if this hotel management is my faith or my destiny? I dont want it to be neither of them, or ... do I? I want it to be the business case I deserve and I truly need a some luck among the way. I will create the luck I need , thats the way i have to think, because nothing is just falling into my knees ... or does it?

So what is my faith or destiny then? Is that a relevant question that i have to think of ? I guess not, and I normally just go with my flow and minds and never consider all the details.But tonight i need to make some wonderings and tell you a very sad story from this little stupid lovely city.

I guess it is about the faith again...and no luck and ni future minds..... since the two persons involved seems to think they have found their destiny and it almost kills them.

We are talking about an old married couple here, age around 60. They have been married too long, and what is left is just a lot of complains and sorrows for both. Its on their outside visible as well. But they refuse to divorce because they are so greedy both of them that they will never ever let one of them get a dime less then the other.

One week ago the man bought a new jacket. A brand new fancy jacket and went home to show it. He was crazy happy about his buy and the wife got crazy with him. Spend money on a jacket like that and btw.. he looked good at in the new jacket. And also .. he took the opportunity to buy some new underwears as well. How stupid can you get?

Just to let you know, the couple are drowning in money but nothing else. The love and the respect and all the oil you need went away years ago and what is left is all the money.

Back to the shopping. The wife forced him to go back to the store together with him to give the jacket back.. it was not necessary to buy. And the belt to ... He packed the things in a bag and went with her.

What happens? In the shop, the man open his mouth and as loudly as he could he told all the people and the staff in the shop... -- tell me , does this jacket suit me or not, and let me know why i should keep it?

The staff of course supported him in his opinion as he looked great in the jacket. So....
now.. the wife was totally shamed out and embarrased. He went back home with the jacket, and mostly his dignity. He loves the new jacket. For the first time in years.. he did what he wanted. He felt like a beauty in the jacket and wanted it. The wife, crazy jealous of his fanciness but also his courage to stand up for his minds and for two minutes got his dignity back as an adult.

That night they had their normal common fights again. And of course it did not include any sensitivenes, any respect, any touching or anything else that was close to love. Not even a reunion sex.

I guess its their destiny.... I feel very sorry for them. And a couple I see as a worst best practice ever. I am greatful to them in one way to show what i never want to end up in.

Holy moses. I will make sure I love my next man like crazy and make sure it never ends. Love between two people can be so wonderful, strong and positive and it is possible to keep up. Its all about the mindset you choose and about give and get.

I want to get married.

Love / A

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