Sunday, May 10, 2009


The other night I was invited to something real special. A chef friend asked if we wanted to join and exclusive session to gourmet food and fantastic wine in a small manson in Sörmland.

Of course I wanted to. Late in the evening me and me friend took the shortest way and I drove like a crazy thrue the lovely night to get there.

As we arrived, we were met by 6 hansom chef gentlemen who invited us to a table in a glass terrace in the garden. Old fantastic chic and fancy and we just were sitting with open mouths.

Luckily we were dressed up to the occassion which was fantastic. As the chefs during the meal had their individual competition and were heavily involved in tasting and talking ... we could just enjoy. And we did.

We just shook our head once to celebrate our experience that evening, and once again since we were told this chef network club had been working for some years and they had never invited somone esle to these exlusive meetings. .. not even their wifes..

Hello. And here we were. True or not... We were treated like the lovely women wer are and deserve and it was unconditional.

And how we laughed .. we had a great time all evening. Even after the dinner when the gentlemen took of their uniforms and went into normal clothes and the Jeopardy game was on the table.

I love to play games and so this one. I had the host as my teampartner and we were absoloutely best of all teams. Even if we did some losses now and then.. mostly we were the winners.

In the early morning we drove back home. I had to fix the breakfast to the guests.. damn.
I was tired. I fell asleep several time and I have to admit it is stupid to drive when you are tired.

But home we came and I just kept my tired face smiling during the breakfast this morning.

The show must go on.....


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