Thursday, February 14, 2008

14 February - Alla hjärtans dag ....

The best Valentine Day ever!!! I dont know how it happened, it just did.

What and how you give is also what you get, That is for shure.

This Day will turn out to be the very best 14 February ever as I remember, let me share.

-- Love and Kiss in the morning and love and kiss in the evening when picking up my little Ninja Turtle at pre-school. Thank you for making a maskerade at preschool... that was so much love from the children in that. Absolutely geourgious he was and the most beauty boy of course, I love you Robin.

-- Love and kiss for the Valentine card I got today, that made me so very happy...

-- Love and kiss for some lovely arrangements coming.. i very much look forward to that vacation...

-- Love ( and no kiss) for a very motivating phonecall from an internal unit today, i got a good " brand" that is good to know... and at this day, of course boosting.

-- Love ( and maybe a small kiss ) for the letter from laywer!!! I can just tell you this, It looks really good , Yahooo.... and remember February 29th.... that is the signing day. I will come back to you about this, promise.

-- Love and sharing at lunch with my two favourite female colleagues..

-- Happiness for the health check I did this morning. The nurse looked at me and the e-form that I had filled in before and just concluded, it looks like you are in a very good condition and mood and it fits to your answer in the form..

Yes, that was really true.... My feelings and happiness inside is visible on the outside.

( I have to admit I got some remarks about the weight ...yeah yeah... and I promise some progress, soon I will start biking) no doubt .


Love and kiss to all my girlfriends and friends, you are very far away, but always very close anyway,,

Love and kiss to my lovely boys, I truly love you and promise to keep on telling you, not only on a day like this.

/ L& K

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