Saturday, March 8, 2008

" you are not a diamond girl....."

The plane was about to take off from Madrid to Las Palmas and I was sitting waiting in the window seat and wondered why we did not? I was kind of nervous as it had been quiet windy when we took ground earlier, we were also delayed and I was about to miss the connection flight, and here I was. Sitting in the window seat which I normally dont like either... but I knew that Las palmas was very close, and that was good. So, suddenly something happened.

The beauty stewardess came along with a very fancy indian man, well dressed, good looking and on the top of it, he was wearing some very fancy black Armani sun glasses. Very good looking.

Wait a minute .... a quick look and my mind just told me that, yeah yeah... some guys need more attention then others and jadi jadi... I judged him in 10 seconds, true. What a snob.

He took his seat beside me and I said hello and so did he. But he looked very much of a stone face. Well I did not bother, I was not into any socializing... I thought.

So, we went out for take off and I just had to speak to him to get rid of my nervousity for the take off and he tried to calm me by telling about his nightmare flight from Frankfurt to Madrid, when the pilot tried 3 times to land.... thanks. But anyway, he convinced me that this pilot was good... get out of here, even more scared.

Up in the air, I asked him if he was going for a holiday or not. Then he start talking and I could almost not stop him. He was 33 years old, has just arrived from India, Bombay visiting his parents and also, done a surgery, replaced one of his total whole eye globe.!!! YES; you read right. He had got a new one. Then,,, he just lifted his armani glasses up a bit and looked at me... Am I red , does it look good?

Holy moses, I was chocked. That was the reason for him to wear the glasses even in the plane. Damn me.. and what lovely brown eyes....With the surgery in mind, even more beautiful even if one of the eyes were total out of order. Jesus...

He kept on telling me that he had got the new eye from a dead 18 year old boy, and that he had not seen his wife ( the look) for 3 years, only heard her voice and so.. so now, he was on his way home to Gran Canaria. He was even more happy to tell that he was 1 week before schedule and he wanted to surprise her.

I can tell you that i was so very very happy about this conversation, and also very happy about that total paradigm shift .... snob, armani, surgery, and love for the ability to see the whole world again.

Yes, the eye looked of course some different and red but very ok I thought, If he had not told me, I would not have guessed, and the best, he could see with this eye.

We ordered some coffee and he wanted badly to pay for me , 1 € , even if I wanted to, but I understood why, since he wanted to pick the small coins and pay as he could see them. He was just so happy about it. And me too.

He told me further, That I was the first person he had ever talked to in 3 years when flying on his own. He never had bother to talk or explain anything to anybody, since this was the second surgery, the first one failed , visible after some weeks.

Can you imagine? neither could he. He was happy that I start talking to him.

The flight to Las Palmas felt very short due to this very friendly conversation and during the hours I showed him photos of my sons, my house and all the other photos I had in the camera and also told him everything else about anything, I dont know if he was interested or not, we just talked and had a good time.

When we took ground at Gran Canaria, he told me to come and visit in Puerto Rico where he had a fancy store with brand clothes, diamonds, brand watches etc,, together with his wife, sister and brother. He said he would give me very good prices and that he had a lot of stuff that my sons would love, they love brand stuff.

He also said that I could get some very good prices for the watches and the jewelleris... but " you are not a diamond girl, are you , he asked? "

Eh... i just looked at my hands,, ---well.. not on this trip .. I guess, I said..
But I love diamonds, doesn´t all women do...i mumbled?

.. -- You are a diamond girl, a real one, he stated, with a smile.

I promised to come to the south to the shop. And when I said good bye to him in the airport it felt that I had met a new friend, and he just did my whole journey. Hug and good bye.

I kept my promise. When I showed up in the store I could not find him and two other fancy guys tried to convince me that they were the one to speak to. No no...

So I had to tell that I looked for the guy being in India for the surgery? Because , I did not even know or remembered his name... damn me.

He came, and it was so good to see him. Without the glasses this time and in a very good mood. We said hello and I promised to come and buy some stuff the other day...
and that promise I did not kept.

But I keep him in my mind, and I want to tell you about this lovely meeting. And if I remember right, he is on his way to the second surgery within a few months. I truly wish him and his wife a lovely life.

And I am very happy about myself for not keeping my mouth shut in some occasions, that enrich my life. One of my colleagus at work just stated..

- Anna, you are just incredible, it is just you who will experience things like this..

I just love it. And I love diamonds too.

And for once, due to this very short conversation, 2 hours flight and with only one brown eye in use... I think his conclusion was absolutely right, dont you ...

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