Saturday, March 1, 2008

Knock out

I dont like boxing in any ways. To much waist of energy to hit each other with the purpose just to win. No, that has never been my thingy.

Yesterday I was knocked down twice in a meeting at the lawyer.

First by my stephmother and just after by my sister. Holy moses.

Knock out are the words, or lets say, there are no more words left..

I normally go for win-win siutations and I did also this time. But it ended up in loose -loose ending. I was probably the only one aware of that.

I am sad, disappointed, chocked, hurt and so much drained of energy that it felt that i died. My heart was broken into thousands of pieces and I just have to gather myself, bring out the very best pincett to put it together again.

I have been down before and I just have to remember how I managed to get up again before 8... puuh.

I will give myself the best knock out ever to be back with energy again.

It cant just end like this.

/ A

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