Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love Trust and Friendship

Hi and hello. What a lovely evening including fantastic moonlight.

Back in my summerhouse again and I feel I can breath normally again after a quick visit to my house in Stockholm. I just feel happy ready with Stockholm. At least for some weeks... :-) .

There are some words that i love more then others and that are on my mind at this very moment Love Trust and Friendship.

Today I had a great day, some great packing ( thanks mother ), a good meeting with the transportation company, some great throw away car drives and also a visit to buy some new profile clothes to the hotel. That was kind of funny to order the things and It starts feeling kind of a reality to be the Hotel Managing Director soon.... haha.

Love is strong and flowing all over and it feels great. No matter where I am or who I see, it is just surrounding me and my closest. I guess it i all about give and get.

Same flow goes for trust. Trust you give and you get. That means a lot to me. Today I shared some private secret thoughts and happenings to a close friend , thoughts that I had not told anyone before. It felt good to tell it... just good. Maybe because I feel some ashame of it and wanted to make some kind of confession..... I did not expect any support in what I told and truly...... I didnt get it either. Just some true and honest comments straight on. No judgement. And that felt good too. To give and share.

I received some trust back as my friend shared some very private thoughts not told me before as well. Damn I was happy to be given that . To me this was something more. The content was not the thing ... to me the sharing was the thing. I told I was happy to be given trust regarding this kind of details.

And I enjoyed the moment of integrity, respect and actually the feeling of deep friendship when you open up as pure as that.

Today I was also very much reminded about my own values regarding friendhip and relationships. That was also a great feeling. A strong and healthy relation has all the ingredients mentioned and it is my guideline for the friends and people I choose to interact with in my life. It feels like great to have that mindset.

It takes some higher love to keep up a friendship even when being cheated and treated bad.
My rule i to maybe to forgive, or let say.... not to focus on the sad parts. Yes yes...I know it s not very easy and even a strong woman like me is sad and crazy disappointed sometims But..... I try to turn the energy to something else and into another dimension. That helps a lot.


spread your love all over .... just choose the love and win win mindset

Give trust to build a great relationship

and see friendship as your most valuable asset.

To all of you,
Love and love from here.


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