Saturday, November 29, 2008

Positive energy.....

hey... thanks for your comments to me here on the blog... sorry I cant publish them.. they are to kind and very much in person so... I will comment the comments in this way......

some of you are worried about me... and ask me to bring out the positive and energetic Anna into the blog again. You think i have become to deep and kind of burned out and betrayed and a lot of other analyzes that are more closer to the reality then you can ever imagine....

Hmm..... i guess you are right in some ways...

Burned out.. ? well not yet.. but maybe some close to.. still very hot though.....

Betrayed.... hm.... i dont even want to translate the word and I guess I am or.. who am I betraying...?

Positive Anna.. where is she?.... fyi.. she is very much here... and if it was not due to my positive mindset I would have been down for a long time .

Energy.?? Its still there, overfloating and mostly to much.. but that is very good.

Lovelife?.. "get out of there", "go for it", "take care", "you are an idiot " ( thanks), "you are so lovely so dont go for the second best " ( thanks again) and a lot more comments regarding my lovelife... thanks for your advices... they are all very valuable but maybe not applicable, love makes you blind

I will do my best, keep up the speed, focus on energy, happiness and love that makes me living a lovely life and make sure you will not get bored here on the blog,

I dont want to miss a day of the future.

Love all over


Do you listen to advices, or more specific... do you ask for advices?

I guess we all do more or less, some never admit that they do... they keep on thinking that its not necessarey. What we are doing with the advices that is another story.

Me for example used to ask my father for advices and then I did the total opposite of what he said. I think he knew that and challenged me even more. He never judged me for the things I did,, just added the question.. are you sure that this is what you want? ... as I nodded and said yes... he just told me to go for it.

I have never regret any of my choices so far... (well... some I guess I should have regret...). but they are so few so I refuse to even think of them as regrets... they are my golden experiences.

At the moment I just realizd I should have asked for advices regarding some things as they seems to be given me a very hard time at the moment ... but on the other hand, I see these challenges as gifts and I just have to sort them out.

When you least expect it, someone is there to support and guide you in the most unexpecting way and I should be greatful.

Not so greatful are the persons that actually ask for advices but never wants them... they just state them but will never listen and dont care.

Kind of sad is it to think that someone will give you all the answers you want... and kind of go for insurance in some else advices ...and think that you dont have to be responsible of your own things you want and do .. its a more easy pick to hear and hide behind someone else then your own minds and wantings.

The one above is quiet direct and hard but very true and common.

In hard times its proven who are your friends and who will still stand close even if its stormy weather.

I might be a bit naiv and to generous sometimes.. but on the otherhand, I truly cant put violence to my personality and my values.

At least I have to watch out as I know there are some left to be taken care of.

Thanks for reminding me.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Out of the box...

I like the expression " think out of the box " very much and have the last few years tried to live that value. Yes, to me it has become a value and it is very much valuable.

Today I was happy reminded about it as I had the pleasure to meet Andreas Palme at FRS Architects and a lovely female Architect I cant remember her name.

Part of my plans are to kind of shape up the Hotel in one or many ways, or lets say in the best way.

The workshop today was very much out of the box related to new way of thinking regarding my plans for the hotel and how to make the best changes and improvements to achieve the goals.

So great to work with people that are creative and very much open to new and exiting solutions from top to bottom. No limits at a first sight and that is very clever.. and here is the "out of the box" skill s very much visible. Luckily I have managed to understand that meaning some years ago and it was so great to think of it today in the meeting.

Second meeting will soon take place regarding this and to be honest I cant wait.

Feels great to make some changes that will really make sense and give the new feeling even more in the hotel.

But truly madly ... at the moment... my minds are everywhere but in the hotel ... I am totally out of the box but at the same time very much in the box and I dont know how to neither open it or close it. I guess that is called out of mind and that... is a value that does not fit into me at all.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Time for reflections - The winner takes it all

Sunday evening in Stockholm and it is both cold, windy and some snowy. Growy. Sweden is truly dark, cold and lovely in November. Not strange that people get depressed by the dark up here in northen part of Scandinavia.

I am a lucky bastard, the darkness does neither affect me badly or sadly and mostly I like the dark hours , and love a fire and candles as an adding. I can guarantee that there are a lot of candles in my home at the moment, and most of them smell. Nice.

Time for reflections. Well.. I guess it is. It is always room and time for reflections, not only when you come to a critical happening and make it then and there. I prefer to reflect every now and then and also take the opportunity to celebrate the reflections.

But Is it always something to celebrate is your question? To me, it is. Maybe not the content itself.. but the reflection to be honest with yourself and the things you deal with. Its brave, its honest its pure and mostly very valuable.

This weekend was such a weekend when i had the time for some reflections. I got some unexpedted help from some old friends to just look back and also forward what has happened lately and what is coming. Amazing to hear myself tell everything what is going on... gosh.

Conclusions and summary... hard to be really open here but i will give it a cryptic try...

Happiness ... i have said it before, i choose happiness even during hard times, but.. it is ok to have a smaller breakdown every now and then if it is controlled. The hard thing is to have it alone.

Love conquers it all ?! .... and the winner takes it all?! , is that the true. If you are part of a game, make sure you adopt to the rules and not make to much violent of your values during the way when you are running ..... Easy?? not even for a super woman like me :-) ... i have just realized I am quiet normal in many ways but extraordinary in others.

Partnership can be great, successful and fun if it works--- but also, jealousy, hard words and fights.. My advice , Finalize it quickly and make the pain as quick as possible. Thank goodness for keeping myself cool during two challenging weeks in October.

Networking is valuable in all dimensions.. you never know when you need somone for something and they might be very close if you have great connection... thanks BP for sharing your connections to me, I will take care of it and make my best to feel like a winner in this very long formal stupid story. In one way I already do feel like a winner and I cant tell why. I just need to fix this. There is no other way.

Time for the last reflection...

I am dead tired and tonight I can just put myself down to bed without no preparing for tomorrow, alarms or anything else as a must.

Tomorrow is the day for prooving.... the speed of trust.


Friday, November 21, 2008

What a week.....

I sit here at the kitchen table just reflecting about the last weekdays and I can just shake my head. A mix of happiness, sorrows and challenges I could not dream about. And still I am standing.. amazing.

Great start with TeamClinic and a meeting with Annika. So great energy from her. I look forward to work together as soon as possible.

Funny meeting at B&E Production and ordered some working clothes for the hotel and the restaurant. These two lovely men gave me some words and good advices on the way regarding my choices and truly... I still have them on my mind. Luckily they manage to sell a lot of stuff to me and yes, they are good salesmen.

Birthday party at my sisters house. Calm and nice and yes.. it was actually a nice time spent there. I got the rumour and talk of the town for today as well .. and it is not always so good to hear gossips when it comes back to yourself. Hmm.... this is a little city, I have to get used to that.

Work in the hotel, yes there are a lot of guests visiting us and yes. it is great fun but a ot of work.

I have managed to hire so great girls her to the hotel staff but also a young man, and they are all very loyal and working hard. Well done Anna !!

I have also managed to fuck up some formality here and I hope i will survive, it is kind of energy sucking in many ways.

I also got a fantastic pay-back today in a bad way from a person that is really unhappy at the moment. Sad for her. I will survive this and I will be successful no matter. I just get sad for her behaviour.

Finally.. but mostly ... the energy during this week have been wonderful all the time since I have had my bf here and it makes me great super.

Time for weekend which is nice, but at the moment weekends turn out to be long and focused on the thoughts I dont have rather then the ones I have.

I am a lucky bastard.

Cheers and happy weekend.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Home... where is it

Today I made two persons happy, but mostly one..... My son Robin, who went to see his little friend Emil for a birthday party in Stockholm. He did not even bother about the drive of 1,5 hours to get there and another 1.5 to get home. If there is enough motivation... you can do anything... for sure.

A quick stop at the Toy Store for a gift and a dress for him. No testing.. executing direct at the party, and that was not a good thing to do as it never is to test live before going live.

Luckily .. his friends mother handled the situation and dressed him up as a cat instead of Batman.. and at the end of the day.. he was in a super mood.

Second person I made happy was myself. Stepped into my apartment in Stockholm and it felt so damn good. Almost all empty and echoing but the apartment is back to the shape as from beginning 3 years ago.

I did some very small fixing and I felt already very good and at home and very comfortable.

So back to the question.. where is my home at the moment ?

I dont think to much about it but or do I? I think very often that I am very priviliged as I can have to great apartments in two lovely areas. On the other hand... i very much live in a suitcase and go between the places every second week without any complaints or sorrows.

I guess I am at home were I feel safe and where I am together with my nearest and dearest and also were I keep some of my belongings.

I am not a thingy person, which means I dont care to much about Things in one way.. but of course I need some things to feel good.

On the third hand.. I can feel very much at home in a car, in a situation or wherever I am .. it is just about my confident and mood of the situation.

Why I am writing about this? Maybe because I just wondered and did some reflections in the car back home to the hotel.... that is very much my home during the weeks.. but not a home in another way...


Monday, November 10, 2008


Some Mondays are more challenging then others .. or lets say are more nervouslike..

Final day for the partnership in the hotel and I was kind of nervous but anyway determind and secure about the outcome. Inside crazy happy, outside.... hard, nervous and stiff

The physical meeting between 4 eyes.. or lets say..... no eyes.. only talk... lasted for 10 minutes.

The formal meeting lasted for 15 minutes.

Over and out. Done ready. 100%..... freedom, responsibility, but mostly choose the right energy.

A small hug and good -bye, of course initiated by me.

Walk back to the hotel and ...

Then.. the feelings and tears just came floating all the way back to the hotel.. My happiness went into some sadness I cant understand. But maybe I can.

A panic call to the person I wanted mostly in this moment and the one I trust must of all, made me some more controlled but no...

My employee just stared at me when rushing into the doors and back to my room.

I wish I could have saved her that scienery but what to do.... At least, it was visible that I am made of flesh and blood as well..

Some fixing and fixing, stop snoring and tearing and ready steady again.. up and go. No time for sorrows .... Damn.
I should have open the bubble bottle .. that is what i wanted to in the morning.. but then.. no no. So wrong but so right.

Out driving for some shopping with my mother in the afternoon.... and she was actually kind of good to me this day. In her mother way. Good choice.

So... the celebration just took some smaller break today... I will do it tomorrow and then I have something else as well to celebrate.

Always bubbles in the glasses.. choose happiness and go for the things you want.

Yes .. i will. I did today. 100. And always.

Love A

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Restaurant Bakfickan.......

I have not talked to much abou the restaurant in my business have I? No. I have not. I have just mentioned it and of course I have to tell you some of the progress and ongoings.

Now we have been open for 4 weeks and people starts finding us. Some heavy advertising lately and also some good offers have been one of the reasons, but mostly.... the best reason, people are start talking about it.

Our ambition is to keep this restaurant out of the worst drunky skunky people in this town which means that we mostly hope for an audience from 35 and up.

No discrimination here... but honest... we focus on good food in a good nice environment, well then we have to hold on to that one.

First weeks were not to busy and the mood was kind of on the lower level... second some better.... third..... starting. .. and now.. 4th week and we are paid for our patience.

It feels great that Gustav and Mats are working so damn good together and make their best effort to succeed. But also... my own contribution to this. I have to admit, I want to be in some behind when it comes to the restaurant. I want to give my blessing and step by for an exclusive hello to the guests every now and then.... that feels great.

But but.... as you understand, small business, small amount of staff so.. yes I have worked hard there during the fridays ... I have been the master of the dish machine and taking care of the left overs... Well... It has been both fun and motivating, believe it or not. The reason? Well it is worthwile work truly. If we dont dish,,, you can just imagine.

And of course it is great fun to work with people you like... Not to forget.... I got some help some of the evenings and it has been super to share, laugh and gather around something we want to work and be successful. And hancy fancy mature sexy bartender, believe me, you cant count them on trees here..... so... the guests should be very greatful., I am.

Btw... here is the logo for the restaurant. Feel inspired and welcome to the table.

Love and blessings on a Saturday like this. Tomorrow is Fathers day... and yes, I will celebrate as well even if he is very far away but close in another.


Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy birthday Jelle ,,,, to late but anyway

So, I got the phonecall I got crazy onmyself for . One of my friend called me and asked me if I had missed something and .... no.... what .?.. and YES, damn... Yes... I had forgotten to call him on his 4oth birthday and It really was kind of sad not remembering it.

Damn to busy with the training and other stuff... it is kind of just to much if I start forgetting my friends and this kind of things, I am so sorry. It is important. Friends are more important then you can ever imagine, at least to me nowadays.

So.. here we go,... on the web... congratulations Jelle DeV.!!! 40 beauty years and I wish you all the best. It was great to here about the arrangements made for you, and you deserve that.

Look forward to congraulate you soon again to the little baby and the marriage. I will take my bf and come down for a visit and i promise we will celebrate.

Take care of your family and enjoy your 40s.

Best regards from
Anna and family

Energy...... bubbles all the way

Last couple of days and weeks I have managed to use my energy when best needed.
I have a deeper energy and happiness that kind of make me surviving most of the challenges I meet.... not all.. but most of them.

My partner has decided to quit due to different reasons but the it was a fact, after 2 months of partnership.

I have not cried one single tear because of this and i will not do that. No reason and waist of energy. I turned it around and all of a sudden it is an opportunity.

Thank good, I am trustworty and also some creditworthy which make this thing possible. And the innovasion nerv not to talk about. Sometimes I surprise myself by being best when needed.

On the other hand, I am some surprised I have not spinned around, jumped and got so nervous about this insecureness that will occur to me and my family probably... but on the other hand not. I am still making up my daily work as I want to.

But i feel safe, comfortable and strong. No doubt.

Today... I made a scream of happiness hear that probably was heard all over Arboga.

Today... I also made the examine of the training of alcoholic law studies... good bless me for beeing certified...

Today I went for some massage and healing as well ... I deserved it and it was kind of needed to be layed down for some time and just relax... and the stories told in between... yes.. they will be my best future.

Now... time for some dish washing work in the restaurant Bakfickan ( back pocket) ....
I deserve that happines too... to share and support Mats and Gustav in their ambition and work to make a great restaurant.

Happy Friday.... and cheers..

Half full glass of bubbles and that is not to bad..


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or treat....

This is the evening when you gladly visit your dearest with candles and minds for connection.

It does not matter that they cant answer your questions... I just wish they could...

It does not matter that they are very calm and cold... I give some of my energy

it does not matter that they are very far away... still very close in another...

Missing is kind of hard... but can also be positive ... its all about what to choose.......

Trick or treat ... that is the question....


Du får inte...

this text is faboulus and the meaning ... even better, listen to Sonja Aldén singing in a great way.

Du får inte knacka på min dörr om du inte är beredd och komma in

du får inte göra om mitt namn och börja kalla mig för din.

Du får inte vandra på min väg , utan att visa mig ditt mål

och inte stjäla av min godhet för att fylla upp ditt hål.

Och du får inte riva mina murar som jag omsorgsfullt har byggt

om du inte skyddar mina drömmar så att jag kan somna tryggt.

Och du får inte ha mig som en dröm , när jag vill va' din verklighet

du får inte säga att du hoppas om du inte tror du vet.

Men du får ta den tid du behöver för att förstå vad det är du vill, du får be en bön att tiden du behöver räcker till.

Och du får samla dina tankar så att två själar kan få ro, och så att allting som vi lovade oss själva kan få gro

Och du får inte andas på min panna inte få mig falla mer, om du inte sen kan stå för all den oreda du ger.

Och du får inte röra vid mitt hjärta ,som om allt var uppenbart, när jag önskar inget hellre,Än att du gör allt emot mig snart.


So lets go for the thing that we want to and will do.