Saturday, November 29, 2008


Do you listen to advices, or more specific... do you ask for advices?

I guess we all do more or less, some never admit that they do... they keep on thinking that its not necessarey. What we are doing with the advices that is another story.

Me for example used to ask my father for advices and then I did the total opposite of what he said. I think he knew that and challenged me even more. He never judged me for the things I did,, just added the question.. are you sure that this is what you want? ... as I nodded and said yes... he just told me to go for it.

I have never regret any of my choices so far... (well... some I guess I should have regret...). but they are so few so I refuse to even think of them as regrets... they are my golden experiences.

At the moment I just realizd I should have asked for advices regarding some things as they seems to be given me a very hard time at the moment ... but on the other hand, I see these challenges as gifts and I just have to sort them out.

When you least expect it, someone is there to support and guide you in the most unexpecting way and I should be greatful.

Not so greatful are the persons that actually ask for advices but never wants them... they just state them but will never listen and dont care.

Kind of sad is it to think that someone will give you all the answers you want... and kind of go for insurance in some else advices ...and think that you dont have to be responsible of your own things you want and do .. its a more easy pick to hear and hide behind someone else then your own minds and wantings.

The one above is quiet direct and hard but very true and common.

In hard times its proven who are your friends and who will still stand close even if its stormy weather.

I might be a bit naiv and to generous sometimes.. but on the otherhand, I truly cant put violence to my personality and my values.

At least I have to watch out as I know there are some left to be taken care of.

Thanks for reminding me.


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